White sands and grey sands.
Who'll buy my white sands?
Who'll buy my grey sands?
(I wonder where this one came from? -m)
score with Orff instruments
tune with Orff accompaniment
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Sure as the Wind
Sure as the wind, my sisters, and
Sure as the rain,
Sure as the sun does shine,
We will raise our song again.
Sure as the rain,
Sure as the sun does shine,
We will raise our song again.
Sure As The Wind
Unknown Artist - Unknown Album
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
You And Me, We're Gonna Be Partners
You and me we're going to be partners.
You and me we're going to be pals.
You and me we are going to be partners,
buddies, and pals.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Bye'n Bye
Bye'n bye, by'n bye.
Stars shining, number, number one,
number two, number three,
O Lord, bye'n bye, bye'n bye,
O Lord, bye'n bye.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Here We Go Round the Mountain
Sugar's on the floor!!
Here we go round the mountain, two by two.
Here we go round the mountain, two by two.
Here we go round the mountain, two by two.
Here we go round the mountain, two by two.
Here we go round the mountain, two by two.
Here we go round the mountain, two by two.
Rise up, sugar, rise!
Give us a little motion, two by two.
Give us a little motion, two by two.
Give us a little motion, two by two.
Rise up, sugar, rise!
That's a fine motion, two by two.
That's a fine motion, two by two.
That's a fine motion, two by two.
Rise up sugar, rise!.
Circle game.
Vs 1: Partners promenade around IT couple.
Vs 2: IT couple does a motion.
Vs 3: Everyone does the motion.
Vs. 1 again: Everyone promenades, IT couple slips into the circle behind another couple, and that couple becomes IT, goes to the center and decides what the next motion will be.
Tune: 3331335- 3331332- 3331335- 54321----
Give us a little motion, two by two.
Give us a little motion, two by two.
Give us a little motion, two by two.
Rise up, sugar, rise!
That's a fine motion, two by two.
That's a fine motion, two by two.
That's a fine motion, two by two.
Rise up sugar, rise!.
Circle game.
Vs 1: Partners promenade around IT couple.
Vs 2: IT couple does a motion.
Vs 3: Everyone does the motion.
Vs. 1 again: Everyone promenades, IT couple slips into the circle behind another couple, and that couple becomes IT, goes to the center and decides what the next motion will be.
Tune: 3331335- 3331332- 3331335- 54321----
Source: Richard Spalding
Friday, November 16, 2012
Singing game for smart kids.
Ride, Sally Ride
(Circle game, standing, holding hands. The circle moves to the right.
IT jams in the center, uses hand to portray "shooting thru the atmosphere and home in a glide.")
IT jams in the center, uses hand to portray "shooting thru the atmosphere and home in a glide.")
Ride, Sally Ride! Ride, Sally Ride! 535-- 535--
Shooting thru the atmosphere, and home in a glide! 5353535--
(Stop, hold the circle taut.)
Ride, Sally Ride! Ride, Sally Ride! 535-- 535--
Shooting thru the atmosphere, and home in a glide!
(On the second "glide," IT glides toward someone in the circle, breaks thru their arms, and the circle explodes outward.)
IT taps one of the two people whose arms IT went between, who becomes the new IT, who runs to the center shouting:
"10 (pause), 9(pause), 8 (pause), 7 (pause), 6…"
The circle reforms around the new IT, continuing:
"...5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Liftoff! Give us a law!"
The new IT shouts "Isaac Newton's first (or second or third) law!"
The group chants the appropriate law, pumping hands :
(1) An object at rest wants to stay at rest. (ta ta titi ta)
An object in motion will stay in motion. (ta ta titi ta)
(2) Force equals mass times acceleration. (ta ta titi ta)
Force equals mass times acceleration. (ta ta titi ta)
(3) Action/reaction! action/reaction! (ta ta ta ta)
Equal and opposite, action/reaction. (ta ta ta ta)
Then the circle moves to the right and the game starts again.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
In the glowing embers
In the glowing embers, by the fireside.
I can see the fairies in their spritely ride.
In the glowing embers, mingling with the flames,
I can see the fairies in their spritely games.
Louise Robyn
Friday, November 9, 2012
Little Cabin in the Woods
Little cabin in the woods
A little man by the window stood,
Saw a rabbit hopping by
Frightened as could be.
“Help me! Help me! Sir!” he said
“Or the hunter will shoot me dead!”
“Come little rabbit, come with me,
Happy we will be.”
A little man by the window stood,
Saw a rabbit hopping by
Frightened as could be.
“Help me! Help me! Sir!” he said
“Or the hunter will shoot me dead!”
“Come little rabbit, come with me,
Happy we will be.”
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Here We Go Looby Loo
Here we go looby loo.
Here we go looby light.
Here we go looby loo.
All on a Saturday night.
I put my right hand in.
I take my right hand out.
I give my hand a shake, shake, shake
and I turn myself about.
(Hold hands, walk around a circle, then stop and do motions.)
Here we go looby light.
Here we go looby loo.
All on a Saturday night.
I put my right hand in.
I take my right hand out.
I give my hand a shake, shake, shake
and I turn myself about.
(Hold hands, walk around a circle, then stop and do motions.)
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
America the Beautiful
O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
From sea to shining sea!
O beautiful for pilgrim feet
Whose stern impassioned stress
A thoroughfare of freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America!
God mend thine every flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!
O beautiful for heroes proved
In liberating strife.
Who more than self their country loved
And mercy more than life!
America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!
O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
Words by Katharine Lee Bates,
Melody by Samuel Ward
Melody by Samuel Ward
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
"November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring."
- Elizabeth Coatsworth
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.
With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.
The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring."
- Elizabeth Coatsworth
(I would get a quiet beat going with fingers on knees, and then read this, call and response style.)
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